[英-英] 麦克米伦概念隐喻词典 相关搜索: 麦克米伦, 概念, 隐喻, 词典 第一次真正的为论坛做贡献,请大家多支持。因为电脑技术太差,数据提取、排版全靠手工完成,尽管有网友的热心指导下,也花了差不多两个晚上才弄完。当然也因为本词典只有60个词条,所以才有勇气、有耐心制作。现在发上来,希望对研究语言和教学的朋友有用。至于美化问题,还有待于大侠出手。 afraid Feeling afraid is like feeling cold. ? I felt a chill of fear. ? An icy hand clutched her heart. ? I was in a cold sweat before the audition. ? The howling noise sent shivers down his spine. ? The movie contained scenes of spine-chilling horror. ? Alex got cold feet and pulled out at the last minute. ? It was a sight that made her blood run cold. ? The blood froze in his veins. When someone feels afraid, it is as if their body is shaking. ? The mere sound of his name made his enemies tremble. ? He quailed at the thought of being found out. ? Everyone's a bit jittery before an inspection. ? I was shaking in my shoes before the interview. ? No doubt the opposition are quaking in their boots.