Index of /尚未整理/集合/Oxford Dictionaries/
Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11th/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
New Oxford American Dictionary 3rd, 15-6-15/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
OALD8C V1.9 By Amazon 20160318/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
OALD8_bt4baidu/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
ODE By dfliaoyue/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
ODMv2/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
Oxford Advanced American Dictionary for learner..> 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
Oxford Advanced Learner's En-Ch Dictionary 7/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
Oxford Advanced Learner's En-Ch Dictionary 8/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
Oxford Advanced Learner's En-En Dictionary 8/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford American Dictionary for learners of Engl..> 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford American Thesaurus of Current English(OATD) 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford American Writer Thesaurus/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Basic American Dictionary for learners o..> 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Collocations Dictionary, 15-10-15/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Collocations English-Chinese Dictionary ..> 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Dictionary of Business English for Learn..> 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Dictionary of English 3rd,2016, 16-6-6/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Economics/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford English Dictionary/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford English of Dictionary 3/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Finance and Banking/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Living Dictionaries(aka. ODE)Online V1.51/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford Photo Dictionary/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
Oxford Taking Dictionary(OTD)/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
Oxford Thesaurus Dictionary/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
Oxford collection Dictionary/ 27-Sep-2021 09:32 -
Oxford~ Thesaurus/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 6th by hugh【 ..> 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 6th, 15-10-16/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary+OXford Talkin..> 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
The New Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary 2/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
oalecd8e/ 27-Sep-2021 09:31 -
新牛津二(佚名)/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
新牛津双解二(Reformed By deeke)/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
新牛津双解二(Reformed By motgen)/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
牛津英美文化词典 第二版/ 27-Sep-2021 09:33 -
OxfordDE-英汉.mdx 02-Nov-2020 11:39 22278137
OxfordDE-词汇.mdx 02-Nov-2020 11:39 8521957
[牛津新图解字典].The.New.Oxford.Picture.Dictionary.pdf 02-Nov-2020 11:41 72686975 27-Sep-2021 23:36 632
牛津英语大词典 简编本.pdf 02-Nov-2020 12:12 2931274357